Karma Tango Energy Exchange

The Energy Exchange Program at Tango Social Club is a unique opportunity for members of our community. It allows you to volunteer your time to help us run these amazing milongas.

An energy exchange involves trading 3.5 hours of your time for one month of free milongas, and the opportunity to get to know the lovely people in your tango community better. It’s a feel-good trade!

Types of activities possible:

  • Reception at the milonga
  • Helping around the studio (maintenance, cleaning, organizing, decoration)
  • Preparing & serving snacks
  • Shopping (food, drinks, flowers, supplies)
  • Translation
  • Social media
  • Photo & video

3.5 hours of your time = 


The Karma Tango Energy Exchange



If you’re interested to be a member of our Karma Tango team, please fill out the form below and we will respond within 24-48 hours, thank you!

It’s hard to put into words how much gratitude we feel towards our volunteers!
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