





Our tango studio is one of the largest and most well-established in North America. We offer classes of all levels all year round!

Classes are given in a progressive manner; material is reviewed and built upon each week so that each student can progress, build confidence and feel that they are really improving.

Every two months new series of all different levels begin, so it’s really never too long before a new class starts up! Our teachers also offer a huge variety of specialised mini-sessions for intermediate and advanced level dancers (series that are 2-6 classes long) that explore different styles and themes, or particular advanced steps and figures.


Class sizes are limited
• Beautiful large studios
• Two teachers per class
• Free supervised practice sessions are included
• Classes are taught in both English and French.
Reservations & payments must be done in advance.
• Students must refrain from attending if they are unwell or have flu/cold symptoms*

* Dancing in close proximity to others can increase the risk of transmission of respiratory illnesses. We continue to receive messages each week from students notifying us that they will be absent because of positive covid tests or because of cold/flu symptoms. We do supply masks for those who wish to use them.

Starting soon!

DANCING D'ARIENZO with Pancho, Carol and Mireille

January 29th - Feb 26th, Wednesdays: 7:00 pm

The favorite of many, the Juan D’Arienzo orchestra is the ''must-have'' of your repertoire. D’Arienzo, aka "El rey del compás" (The King of Rhythm), is one of the most iconic conductors in tango, from the 1940s to today.

Play with a faster tempo interspersed with syncopated patterns, and revamp your steps to make them fun, creative, and super musical!
Learn how to totally rock the rhythmical orchestras with a few of the classic ''milonguero style'' figures . . . .

For inter-adv and advanced dancers, suggested prerequisite: Tango 7 AND Abrazo / Milonguero Magic / similar, or Tango 8

5 weeks = $175* (includes taxes, Wednesday milonga entry, and a 50% discount at the Sunday practice)

*$5 discount for payments via Interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with password: tango)

To register and pay as a couple, select ‘2’ in the Quantity field below

MILONGA 2 with Mireille & Francis

February 2nd - March 2nd, Sundays at 1:45 pm

(just before the practice)

More fun with milonga! Rhythmical challenges and super fun traditional figures!

For intermediate and advanced dancers who've already completed an introductory milonga course.

Fees per person:
The 5 class series: $165*

*$5 discount with payments via interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with password: tango)

10% DISCOUNT for those registered in another session in Feb 2025 - contact us for details


Note that some schedule changes may occur and that new classes will be added in the coming weeks.

SCROLL DOWN for class descriptions - Contact us to reserve your spot: info@studiotango.ca


New class series are added every few weeks!


... about upcoming classes, tango events, and more! Unsubscribe at any time.

I would like to receive information about:

• Beginner-level classes and Free Trials

• Classes (level 2 and up), Workshops with guest instructors, Dance evenings, & Special events

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Class Descriptions and details: FULL 7-week sessions

The number of participants per class is limited, and each class is limited to an equal number of leaders and followers, so it’s super important to reserve in advance!

PAYMENTS: Prices are indicated in the descriptions of each class below. Payments can be made via Interac to studiotango@gmail.com (use password: tango) or register and pay with credit card below.


7 classes x 1h15 each

  • MONDAYS at 7 pm
    January 20th - March 3rd


  • THURSDAYS at 8:15 pm
    January 23rd - March 6th

FEES per person:
$199.17 & tax = $229 (Full-time students obtain a 15% discount)

Class fees include free access to our weekly supervised practices


FRIDAYS at 6:45 pm
January 17th - Feb 28th

Solidify the basics and start working on style, musicality and creative figures such as paradas & decorations.
7 classes x 1h15

Fees per person:
$204.39 + tax = $235*

Class fees include free access to our weekly supervised practices

*Pay via Interac and receive a discount of $5


TUESDAYS at 8:20 pm
January 14 - Feb 25th

Perfect the essential basic figures and learn traditional moves such as the ocho cortado, boleos, half-turns while working on connection & musicality.
7 classes x 1h15

Fees per person:
$204.39 + tax = $235*

Class fees include free access to the supervised practices.

*Pay via Interac and receive a discount of 5$



January 16th - Feb 27th

Half and full turns, boleos with decorations, and new patterns exploring musicality and dynamics.
7 classes x 1h15

Fees per person:
$204.39 + tax = $235*

Class fees include free access to the supervised practices.

*Pay via Interac and receive a discount of 5$


MONDAYS at 8:20 pm
January 13th- Feb 24th

Counter-front boleos, decorations, turns, close embrace style, milonguero cortados and more.
7 classes x 1h15

Fees per person:
$204.39 + tax = $235*

Class fees include free access to the supervised practices.

*Pay via Interac and receive a discount of 5$

Tango 6 - spring 2025!
A continuation of Tango 5. More exploration of salon-style figures and turns, counter boleos, and milonguero style turns.

Tango 7 - spring 2025!
Elegant combinations in close embrace style, sacadas, turns and other figures of the salon and milonguero styles. Subject to teacher approval.

Tango 8 - spring!


SPICE it Up! (Creative Elements)
TUESDAYS at 7 pm
January 14 - Feb 25th

Fancy footwork and twisty legs take centre stage! An introduction and exploration of the the fancier tango elements such as : barridas, paradas, ganchos, calecitas, boleos, decorations etc.

Prerequisite: Tango 6 or equivalent.

$204.39 + tax = $235 *
Class fees include free access to the supervised practices.

* Pay via Interac and receive a discount of 5$

Abrazo, Connection & Elegance
Wednesdays at 8:20 pm
January 15 - Feb 26th

Achieve a flexible and fluid embrace that precisely defines movements while refining connection for a tango that is fluid, powerful and elegant. Participants will also learn to color their dance with different intensities. Leaders will learn to move more gracefully, and followers with more density and presence.

Prerequisite: Tango 7 or similar experience

$208.74 + tax = $240
5$ DISCOUNT with Interac payments

PAYMENTS for all levels can be made via Interac transfer to studiotango@gmail.com (password: tango) or contact us to arrange payment via credit card.


SUNDAYS: 3 pm - 5:30 pm

Always a teacher on hand to help you!
A great way to meet students from other classes too.


FREE for registered students *
* Note that Wednesday 7 pm class participants pay half price as they have free entry to the Wednesday milonga

Intermediate & advanced


SERIES of 2-10 classes concentrating on particular figures or styles
(see descriptions below) Note that new classes are added frequently

CLASS CARDS are possible for some classes. Create your own schedule by mixing and matching with other classes of the same value. Contact us first to make sure that there is room in the class you’d like to try and if there is . . . well then, there’s no stopping you from mixing it up! (note that some classes require a partner)

RESERVATIONS: info@studiotango.ca
PAYMENTS via interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with password: tango)



with Alejandro & Mireille

Jan 14th - Feb 25th, Tuesdays at 7 pm

Spice up your tango and start integrating these fun and stylish figures to your dance. An introduction and exploration of the the fancier tango elements such as : barridas, paradas, ganchos, calecitas, boleos, decorations etc. Pre-requisite: Tango 6
7 classes: 204.39 + tax = $235$ *

*5$ DISCOUNT for payments by interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with pw: tango)

Includes free access to the Sunday practice.



DANCING D'ARIENZO with Pancho, Carol and Mireille

January 29th - Feb 26th, Wednesdays: 7:00 pm

The favorite of many, the Juan D’Arienzo orchestra is the ''must-have'' of your repertoire. D’Arienzo, aka "El rey del compás" (The King of Rhythm), is one of the most iconic conductors in tango, from the 1940s to today.

Play with a faster tempo interspersed with syncopated patterns, and revamp your steps to make them fun, creative, and super musical!
Learn how to totally rock the rhythmical orchestras with a few of the classic ''milonguero style'' figures . . . .

For inter-adv and advanced dancers, suggested prerequisite: Tango 7 AND Abrazo / Milonguero Magic / similar, or Tango 8

5 weeks = $175* (includes taxes, Wednesday milonga entry, and a 50% discount at the Sunday practice)

*$5 discount for payments via Interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with password: tango)

To register and pay as a couple, select ‘2’ in the Quantity field below

CADENAS & Variations
with Pablo & Noel

January 15th - Feb 5th, Wednesdays at 7 pm
Add fluidity and power while increasing the dynamic energy of your turns (and other figures). A class designed to get you moving and using the space (safely) while playing with these classic figures that link and unlink in a continuous sequence.

Prerequisite: Tango 8 or equivalent experience OR Tango 7 plus one of Pablo and Noel's turns series or equivalent experience. *

The 4-class series: 144$ (includes tax & the milonga)
4$ Discount for payments with interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with pw: tango). Includes free access to the Wednesday evening and 50% discount on supervised practices.

* not sure about your experience and how it relates to the prerequisites of this class? Send us an email to studiotango@gmail.com and it will be our pleasure to advise you.

Abrazo, Connection & Elegance with Francis & Mireille

January 15 - Feb 26th, Wednesdays at 8:20 pm
Elevate your tango. Move with intention. Dance with finesse.
How to achieve a flexible and fluid embrace that precisely defines movements while refining connection for a tango that is fluid, powerful and elegant. Participants will also learn how to color their dance with different intensities. Leaders will learn to move more gracefully, and followers will more density and presence.

Prerequisite: TAngo 7 or similar experience

$208.74 + tax = $240
5$ DISCOUNT for payments by interac
includes free entry to the milonga



TECHNIQUE FOR LEADERS with Pancho Cloutier

Thursdays at 7 pm

We are very happy to offer this new technique series given by Francis Pancho Cloutier. Exercises are geared to strengthen aspects necessary for the leader’s role, but class is open to followers as well.
We'll work on posture, technique, musicality, the walk, pivots and turns.

Note that the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 8.
Pre-registration is advised.

One class: $32
4 classes: $107 + tax = $123.02
8 classes: $228

Fees include taxes and free entry to the Sunday practice.
*a 10% discount is available to all who are registered in another series during the winter session.



with Noel Strazza

Saturdays at 12:30 pm

Individual technique workshops for leaders and followers. Exercises to help improve pivots, the walk, posture, pivots and turns.

Come every week, or drop-in when you wish!

By the class = $32 (includes tax)
4-class series = $107 + tax = $123.02
8 classes = $228

Class fees include free entry to our weekly practice!

VOLCADAS with Pablo & Noel

January 18th - Feb 8th, Saturdays at 2 pm

One of the most popular figures, Volcadas require good technique and excellent connection !
Learn the basics and a few cool figures designed for the dance floor.

Pré-requis: Tango 7 or equivalent
Some close embrace experience is recommended.

Les 4 cours : 164$ (includes taxes plus free entry to the Sunday practice)
4$ DISCOUNT for payments via interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with pw: tango



MILONGA 2 with Mireille & Francis

February 2nd - March 2nd, Sundays at 1:45 pm

(just before the practice)

More fun with milonga! Rhythmical challenges and super fun traditional figures!

For intermediate and advanced dancers who've already completed an introductory milonga course.

Fees per person:
The 5 class series: $165*

*$5 discount with payments via interac to studiotango@gmail.com (with password: tango)

10% DISCOUNT for those registered in another session in Feb 2025 - contact us for details


More info about classes?

Use this form to contact us!


7755 Boul.St-Laurent, #200
Montréal, QC, H2R 1X1

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